
agava design

Information on the Processing of Personal Data of Web Visitors and Job Applicants

pursuant to Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter referred to as GDPR)

The purpose of this document is to fully and understandably describe1 the manner in which we process the personal data of all persons who contact Rizlly, s.r.o., company ID 025 53 864, via the company’s official website/email addresses and to comprehensively inform such persons of their rights. Any person contacting Rizlly via the official website or email address shall be hereinafter referred to as ″Visitor″.

1. Why does Rizlly need my personal data?

Personal data are processed for the purpose of handling the subject of the message/form that you submit. Personal data are essential for the message to be processed in line with its purpose2

2. What personal data does Rizlly manage?

  • With each Visitor, only essential data are managed, i.e. in particular their name, surname, phone number and email address. In the event that a Visitor is a job applicant who sends their CV to Rizlly, Rizlly will manage data included in the CV: date of birth, academic title, permanent address, temporary address, the highest completed education, photograph and other data voluntarily provided by the Visitor essential for the assessment of the Visitor’s suitability for the position (e.g. special skills).
  • We store cookies3 regarding your movements on our website4. In particular, we collect:
    • Session cookies allow browsing through individual website tabs and store any information that you enter. Session cookies are automatically deleted once you close the browser or shortly afterwards.
    • Persistent cookies allow this website to remember your preferences and set-up for your next visit and, thanks to them, you don’t have to sign in again. Persistent cookies automatically expire after a certain predefined period of time. Most browsers enable you to turn off persistent cookies.

3. For how long will Rizlly manage my data?5

Data provided under par. 2, letter a) are managed for the period of processing of your message. For job applicants, data are processed for the duration of the selection process. In the event a Visitor is not successful in the selection process but achieves good results, we may, at the Visitor’s express request, store their personal data in a secured database for the purpose of contacting them with a job offer in case of a vacancy.

The period of cookies administration is given in the individual cookie type’s characteristics.

4. Who is responsible for the manner of data processing?6

The Data Controller is Rizlly, s.r.o., Company ID: 025 53 864, with its seat at Bečovská 1549/19, Uhříněves, 104 00 Prague 10, maintained at District Court Prague under record ref. C 220747.
The role of Personal Data Registration and Control Manager is carried out by a delegated employee available at spravceou@rizlly.com (hereinafter referred to as ″Manager″). The Manager can be contacted with any queries regarding personal data management and any requests for rectification, change or addition of personal data. In case the Manager is not available, you can contact one of the company’s Managing Directors.
We use the services of an external processor, Vema, a.s., company ID: 262 26 511, with its seat at Okružní 871/3a, 638 00 Brno, maintained at Regional Court Brno under record ref. B 3415 (hereinafter referred to as ″Processor″). The Processor provides us with technical and security elements for the operation of storage where we store your personal data. The Processor does not have access to the content of your personal data.

5. What rights do I have in relation to my data?

You have the right to be continuously informed about the scope of your personal data that we manage. In particular, you have the right to know for what purpose we process your data and who has access to your data. In addition, you have the right to request rectification, deletion or limitation of the processing of your data. You can also object to the individual ways of processing.
In the event you believe that we use your personal data in a manner which is contrary to GDPR or the law, you have the right to file a complaint to the Personal Data Protection Office (supervisory authority). If you believe that your personal data are processed in an illegal way, please get in touch with us before you file a complaint and we promise to do everything to resolve the situation.
You have the right to transfer all personal data that we process about you in a simple machine-readable format (text file) or to ask us to transfer your personal data in such format to a third person designated by you.7
For more information on your rights, please visit the website of the Personal Data Protection Office. (https://www.uoou.cz/6-prava-subjektu-udaj/d-27276).

6. Who has access to my data?

We take your personal data very seriously, therefore only an essential number of people has access to them, namely the Personal Data Registration and Control Manager, Rizlly’s Managing Directors and an employee responsible for Human Resources.

7. Where are my data actually stored?

Personal data in an electronic format are stored on a secured dedicated server on the territory of the Czech Republic which is owned by the Processor and only authorized persons specified in the previous article have direct access to them.

Personal data in a written format are stored in a security box at Rizlly’s seat, which can be accessed only by authorized persons specified in the previous paragraph.

Thank you for familiarizing yourself with this Information on the Processing of Personal Data of Visitors and Job Applicants and in case you have any questions related to this topic, do not hesitate to contact the Manager or one of the Managing Directors at any time.
By ticking the box, you confirm that you have fully familiarized yourself with this information.

1GDPR Art. 12, par. 1.
2Rizlly provides no guarantee of accommodating any requests made in the message.
3Short text files sent by the visited website to the browser. The file contains information on the visit (e.g. browser language settings, etc.).
5GDPR Art. 13, par. 2, letter a)
6GDPR Art. 13, par. 1., letter a)
7GDPR Art. 20, par. 1.